In life there are things that are meant for us and things that are not. No matter what we do if certain things are not compatible with our destiny, then it will never be successful. Sometimes, we push our luck over situations, or push our selves to people but we just end up stale, we end up frustrated and hurt..
Everything in life is a matter of investment, I believe...Some investment goes up, others go down while some becomes stagnant. We can choose to risk or play safe. What the end of the line will be, we don't know. But always, we can make ourselves less vulnerable by being prepared of anything... Never go through life without rehearsal..PRACTICE!
When i was younger, I thought that life is better with spontaneity...just go with the flow, never plan!! But the more I see things, the more I realized that iron clothes always looks better than wrinkled ones...Never reversible!!
Life is wonderful when it is not governed by rules...TRUE. But reality tells us that it isn't so. We are bound by it, we should live with it. My experience tells me that the more we live simply and abide by the rules, the more freedom we have. The law of life is simple if you live and expect simply... But we are primed to live big time, expect high, dream more...Hence, it is complicated because we made it so... I have a simple heart but I have a complicated mind. In effect, I am burdened by the fact that both affects are always in conflict..
It is always easy to breeze through life, tell yourself "I can do anything with my life. This is mine, I own it" but in truth, we only own a part of our existence. For most of us, we don't even own our time. For some, our minds are already sold to other entity. The more we are involved, the more we lose ourselves. How to get involve and still retain our sense of being is a high-point challenge.. When I look at my mom, I don't see her wholly. I see her as my mother, other part of her is my father's wife, other part as a friend of somebody, other fragmented parts of her are scattered across situations... When she is all alone, devoid of all the roles, who is she? I will never know
Life is like this... We are whole yet fragmented. Not bad as long as the parts co-exists with the whole.. Sad thing happens when some parts of our self got lost somewhere along the way..
I read this passage from a book, "
I am what I started with. When this is all over , I will be what is left of me.." Exactly!!