Loving in simplicity is the best kind of feeling there is. When you are loved in your simplest self and seen in the most unassuming circumstances, it flatters your heart to be accepted just like that. When you speak of your unfiltered thoughts and feelings and yet you are still heard and never judged, it makes you feel valued.
Loving in simplicity is giving the things your best self could offer. Knowing that your effort is well appreciated, it makes you give more and more, until you discover you are indeed a wealthy person who has a lot to offer. It make you see your self in a greater light.. It is also about expecting simply.
Loving in simplicity is knowing TRUST , believing in it and living in it.. It is not about pulling and keeping each other close , not about possessiveness. It is about comfort and peaceful feeling of having to hold that one soul, no matter the physical absence of one. It’s knowing where to rest..
Loving in simplicity is knowing that silence, dull moments and bad situations are part of each other’s lives. One cannot be pleasing and loving and fun all the time. IT is about respecting those moments and waiting for your turn and never be demanding. It is acknowledging that your partner is an imperfect human being who can be moody, groggy, sick, tired ….
Loving in simplicity is nurturing each other’s relationship may it be families, friends, colleague, team mates. IT is about being happy seeing your love one enjoying in the company of other people other than you. It is about supporting him/her and never competing It is about letting him/her be.
I am thankful to have one simple Love…Thanks Kevin...