it's so hard to start a day when you're pissed off!
but today is such day that i wanted to butcher people, grill them and feed them to the chicks until they literally become dungs!!
I'm supposed to be happy today 'coz it's the day Paris Hilton will be jailed.. but no! I am pacing back and forth with my eyeballs almost out wagging on the floor just to emphasize that I am angry! Some out of this world aliens are messing up with our computer system.... forever changing our network maps, relocating our files, changing our usernames....messing up with our printers... Hello!!We're so fed up with your constant alibi and technical explanations! Can't you just fix the problem once and for all and go back to your planet!!
No one wants to constantly get angry... but these people are picking on my nerves. I should work with a clear mind but these guys are like nimbus clouds blocking the light!
Quite incidentally, ever since their existence in this company, rats had been constantly invading too! We don't know the correlation between these guys and rats.. but there's a common denominator. Both are menace!!
Okay, enough of my rants!
Well, well...I had my share of karma too... maybe God got fed up with me being naughty too, so last night he sort of remind me that I should slow down with being maldita... Hahahaha, while sleeping in the jeep, the driver suddenly took a stop...he was accelerating so fast so the effect of the stoppage was so much that it plucked me out of my chair!!!! Very embarrassing ..Good that nobody dared to laugh .. or else.... wa lang....
Correct!!! If only "eyes" could kill? one thing is for sure, they are all dead and skeleton by now.
They are supposed to help us in making things easier but they are not. When problem comes? they discuss things which we cannot understand, how could we? we are talking with different language. People here are hoping that this rats and aliens will be terminated so they can go back where they belong!!!
Kung pwede lang I want them dead by sunrise hahahhaha...and use the typewriter nalang....wahahahhahahhaha.......
Yah....wash them out by using "naptalina"and rat poison.......and never to come back linea fina anymore.
Its better to use typewriter than a computer that always "bahar"....wahahahahahahahahah
wahehehehahehe....korecto pra sa senado!!! yup!yup!yup!yup! they are perfectly comparable to my mounted financial problems, day by day... early in the morning here we go again nothings change everything is as its usual, problem here there and every where...ukay-ukay!!!labad-labad ulo-ulo!!!a..a...a...(say it! say it say it!)plz beh...plz lang...plz elaborate!!!wuz up? wuz up? heeeeelp!
Oh well. I plan not to comment about this (In)secure DNA thing because people there are killing me softly. If only my curse to them every day could kill them, well, MIS department has been eradicated long before the moment they adopt (In)secure DNA to take their place as computer technicians. Go to hell both of you (In)secure DNA and MIS. You are adding to our burdens in our stay in this company.
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