Saturday, May 26, 2007

You quack...I quack...we all quack, quack

Recently I had an obsession of shutting up. Literally, I stopped talking as much as possible, for the simple reason that I don’t like my voice these days.. It’s squeaky, high-pitched, with exaggerated tone like I’m always excited.. It’s annoying and I don’t like to hear it. I feel like I’m nagging at my self. One time I was quite fed up with it that I wanted to confirm if it’s just psychological or for real, so I recorded my voice while reading my Japanese reading materials…. Confirmed! It’s even more disgusting when I recorded it… My “e” sound is super OA it sounded more like “eh” , “i” sounded like “eeeiii” , “o” sounded like “oh”, “z” sounded like a bee racing “zzzzzzz”.. Ahhh! I wanted a blues-jazzy husky voice... Just like Norah Jones..
There, there.. I am addicted to Norah Jones sounds and music , so I was basically listening to her every single minute of the day and even wished I was her. Crazy! She’s all I wanted to be. But they’re launching her as an actress on a Wong Kar Wai film (My Blueberry Nights) opposite Jude Law, Natalie Portman, Rachel Weisz,, great cast really but I don’t know about the story and her acting… I am quite sad about it. Man! She’s a singer.. I always had this perception that once an artist crosses-over to another field eventually she/he losses value, substance that could turn him/her into somebody mediocre. It is my personal belief that one person could only present him/her self in one trademark to stay real and respectable. I had always revered MJordan as a basketball player.. great athlete… but bang!!…he became a star in Space Jam opposite Bug’s Bunny and my adoration for him just went….wossssssssshhhh…. down>down>down.. And after that MJ will never the same way again..
Norah Jones is not a pop star… I love her because she is like a private property that not every body claims to own.. She is like all other unnamed wonders that is hidden amongst the great (mediocrity) ahhh majority. She is no Britney Spears who is baring her soul to get recognized. Her music doesn’t sound like money…

I am always unconventional that’s why maybe I had never been part of a group/ community and the likes.. I love those who are unconventional also to the truest meaning of the word. Of course, I always hear everybody claims to be unique but guess what? They are groupy, faddist, follower…duh! Okay, okay, the world is like a pressure cooker cooking you up thru your soul leaving you only with body and a pre-programmed mind. Just when we thought that cloning has not been made in humans, think again! Look around and you’ll realize that we are like clones of each other.. Jollibee is a clone of McDo, Greenwich to Pizza Hut, clothing lines are cloning each other, singers are cloning each other, dancers are cloning each other, JLo is cloned by many many artist, which she herself was once a Janet Jackson clone.. Nichole Ritchie, Paris Hilton, Lindsay Lohan are cloning each other…the net effect many young girls are like clones of those women! Damn! I could go on forever with this cloning thing…
What I am trying to say is that Norah Jones is unique. She should be emulated for her uniqueness. It is only when a specie is significantly needed can it survive. Evolution theory states that anything that is not highly regarded in the genetic pool becomes extinct and be eliminated.. Species died as individuals died or if they did not perish, they will be altered beyond recognition and recall.
Norah Jones go back to your piano, you are unique in that dimension…..
As for me shutting up, well, I wished to be virtually mute by December, so I need constant practice..

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